
Here you can find out about joining the group and ease any concerns you may have about our membersip requirements.

How do I join?

Just join us on one of our weekend trips, the small surcharge that you pay serves as your membership fee. You do not need to be a member of the YHA (or other Hostelling International organisation) to join our group.

How much does it cost?

Membership costs you nothing up-front, we do not have a membership fee. You are welcome to turn up to meetings without paying us a penny. The group is financed by charging an extra £1 on each night spent on a hostelling trip. Thus, the amount you pay over the year depends on the amount you use the group.

Do I need to be a particular age?

You don't have to be a youth to stay at a youth hostel, nor do you have to be if you want to join our group. Our members cover an age range from pre-school to pensioners, so potential members from any age group are welcome. If you are under 18, you will need to be accompanied by a responsible adult when attending events.

Do I need to be fit?

Our events are designed to suit as many people as possible. You do not have to be super fit to join us. If you feel you would like to walk further, or not as far as the organised walk there is no problem. Please remember to tell the person organising the walk though. Quite often there are small groups of people walking a different distance to the main Group.

Most of our local Sunday walks are between 8 and 12 miles. If that sounds a lot, look at it this way: At a slow amble of say 2 miles per hour, at least 5 miles could be walked before lunch. After a rest, a pint and lunch at a pub you will hardly notice how far it is back to the cars. Especially while chatting with pleasant company.

Do I need to have my own transport?

Public transport can be very expensive, and a lot of the best walking areas are poorly served by trains and buses anyway. Not having a car can really hamper the outdoor enthusiast. One of the best things about the group is that we arrange and share transport, meaning you can get to the hills for the cost of a share in the petrol. Even if you do have a car, sharing lifts helps save money and the environment.

Do I need to live in Leicester?

Although the group is based in the city, we attract people from across Leicestershire. We have several members living in Loughborough and Coalville and would welcome anyone from anywhere in the county. In fact we have members living as far afield as Scotland and Cumbria who have left the county but remain in the group.